Making is stick is an interesting book. It gives you a interesting way to make unexciting ideas stand out and be notice. Chapter 1 of making it stick gives you great ideas to give your ideas lasting memories to your readers. First we need to focus on our presentation of our ideas. How we present them. "Standing up straight, make eye contact, use appropriate hand gestures." This was the first step to presenting your information. Then we have to be clever about getting the attention of the audience. I tell my students when they are writing essay to me I don't want to read a boring paper in the beginning. Capture my attention in a interesting way. Another key point is knowing who your audience. We haven't even gotten into the six principles of sticky ideas, which are:
1. Simplicity - keep your points and ideas simple and profound so the audience can understand.
2. Unexpectedness - Use surprise to grab the audience's attention. Also we have to keep generate interest and curiosity to keep their attention. Give them something they didn't expect.
3. Concreteness - Ideas have to be concrete images. Not abstract or unseeable. They have to be explainable in terms of human actions.
4. Credibility - Our ideas have to carry their own credentials. Give opportunities for people to test our ideas for themselves so they are proven and credible.
5. Emotions - We get people to care about our ideas by appealing to their emotions.
6. Stories- it is better to communicate an idea by telling a story.
It is essential to incorporate these six principles in making your ideas concrete and are able to stay with the audience you are presenting them to.
ReplyDeleteI like what you do with your students when they are writing a paper. You telling them that you don't want to read a boring paper and that you really want them to capture your attention is great. I never thought of this flip when I read that first chapter, and I have read it twice. I like the idea that you have given me! We always want our students to remember what we say but what about what they are saying. When they create a project or do an assignment you are right...I want to be able to remember this students work for a long time to come. Having the students start on this path early will help them in the future when they are at their job whatever it may be and really do need to have people remember what they are saying. Whether they are teachers or in the business world or where ever we always want our voice to be heard and remembered. So now not only am I going to have my students try to better remember what I say but also I want to let them know that they need to make me remember what they have to share!