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Baltimore, Maryland, United States
35 yrs.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Joe's Non-Netbook

I currently teach a group of 5th graders math in Atlanta Public Schools. Just on this week I asked them to open their math books to a certain page. One by one over half the class asked me to go back to their homerooms to get their math books. After, watching the video I immediately thought about this situation I experienced with my students. After so many requests I asked them did they remember me telling them to always bring their books. They replied in a innocent but sarcastic tone, “yes, but we never use them.” I could not say or do anything but smile. I do not incorporate the text book much into many of our lessons because to me its most time the basic level of understanding for students. I have the steps, formula, and practice problems in my head, so I use many other things such as a promethean board, videos, document camera, computer websites, and games to develop a deeper understanding of the concept I am teaching. I guess I’m partly to blame but it’s a good thing though. Right?


  1. Adrion, are you telling me your class is loaded in terms of technology? How lucky is that?! Good post. Next time grab the "embedded link" URL and switch to HTML edit view to paste the link and the video image will show in your blog.

  2. Adrion,
    I definitely have had the same response from my students in the past! I wasn’t using our Economics book enough and so when they weren’t prepared for class I felt partly responsible. I, like you, use the text as a base for what we learn in class. However, I like to supplement concepts and ideas in the book by using video clips, simulations, computers, and worksheets because I feel it engages them more. I also have realized that if I do give a reading assignment out of the text they don’t do it or they don’t remember what they have just read five minutes after. If I assign vocabulary I have to make them write it, as opposed to typing because they don’t use the glossary but look up the words online and copy and paste. The solution to my problem was solved when we received a new shipment of books this summer! I now have enough books to give all my students a copy to have at home and we also have a class set that stays in the room. This prevents my students from not being prepared and having to sit there while we are working out of the text. I know that many schools may not have the luxury of being able to afford extra books, but it has helped me use the text more. I still don’t use it a ton but try to as much as time allows us!
    Cari Tester

  3. @ Bruce - Yes I have all those things in my class. Im very lucky and I know that this is not a common practice at many of the other school in Atlanta Public School system from the teachers. I will try again with the video for sure. Just couldn't get how it worked. lol!

    @ Cari - Oh how i wish we could get two set of books!
